About I


​I emerged from the universe intense and deep…the things I ponder may bring a tear to your eye or drive you absolutely mad.

Either way…Welcome to Soul Says I !!!

From the time I first discovered the man in the moon, the conception of the soul and the universe has fascinated me.

Soul says I is a safe haven for all souls — a place to share and collaborate collectively and evolve. This is a journey of self-expression of heart, mind, body and soul!


Destiny of Souls

As I gaze upon the night sky

I ponder

Is it really stars that light the heavens

I wonder

Or could it be the gathering of souls

I ponder

Awaiting their turn for destiny

I wonder

As I watch a shooting star cross the night sky

I ponder

Is that one’s journey over or has it just begun

I wonder

By Souls Says I Founder—Zanna Moon

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